As we live in the midst of a pandemic, the chaos of our world can easily distract us from taking care of ourselves which can easily take a toll on our skin.
Taking care of oneself throughout these evolving times is essential for personal and collective growth.
There is no need to feel guilty for loving yourself throughout a time where you witness love’s opposite; love is always the resolution.
Set yourself free, honey bee!

Have you traded in your skin care masque for your face mask?
Wearing a mask on a regular basis calls for implementing new daily habits that perhaps you haven’t always done.
Although they are simple, they are beyond effective in helping your skin maintain that luminous glow.
Below are 5 beauty tips to keep in mind if you find yourself mostly in a mask these days!
1. Choose your mask wisely.
If you are given the liberty of choosing your own face mask, select a natural option that will be less irritating to the skin and more breathable overall.
When looking to purchase a mask, natural fabrics such as cotton and bamboo are the way to go!
Synthetic fabrics are typically treated with chemicals which creates a higher likelihood of skin agitation.

2. Don't touch your frickin' face!
Make this commitment to yourself… Now and forevermore, I solemnly promise to not touch my face without purpose ;)
Not only does this help stop the spread of anything we don’t want entering our bodies, it helps prevent skin breakouts — woo!
I know it’s hard. I know you’re probably going to do it sometimes anyway. But, please try ❤ Less touching = less sickness/blemishes = WIN-WIN!
3. Step 1) Wash your face Step 2) Wash your mask
Self-explanatory, but the key is to not skip either step! Consistency is what you can count on.
By regularly washing your face and mask, you are preventing virus/bacteria spread along with creating a healing space for skin if need be.
We long to be nurtured, our skin included.
4. Bare it all.
Less foundation makeup, ladies! Keep the sunscreen, however, because although the mask is providing an extra layer of protection from UV rays those suckers can still sneak through.
Better be safe than sorry in the long-run!
I personally have been going foundation-free because I feel as if I’m wasting product when only 1/2 of my face can be seen!
Focus on making those eyes pop, beauty! If you’re wanting that extra coverage, go for an oil-free/waterproof BB cream or lightweight foundation to ensure sustainability throughout the day.
5. Don't give me any lip.
Don’t forget your lips! They are often overlooked in skin care but need extra nourishment sometimes the most.
Chapped, cracked lips is never pleasant. Make sure to always keep some heavy lip balm on hand so you can reapply with ease.
If lip balm just isn’t doing the trick, opt in for a hydrating/exfoliating lip mask you can wear overnight or while catching up on Netflix!
Don’t have a lip masque at home? Make your own hydrating concoction with only some honey and coconut oil.

Mucho love to you! May the golden rule dominate our streets and may Love always win!