Are you in vibrational alignment with the MEGA Goddess that is YOU?
If yes, GET IT GIRL, you are on FIRE. If not, let me help you help yourself, because sweet girl, you are worthy of regal living.
What do you want your life to look like? What do you want your life to FEEL like?
You are large and in charge when it comes to creating your reality. Get specific with your desires.
The Universe knows your heart, but details never hurt the manifestation process!

What would your dream job consist of?
Maybe a flexible schedule, no late nights, caring co-workers, and a short commute could be added to your list of desires.
The more specific you are, the more the Universe has to work with. Spark up that energy so the good juju can make its way to you with ease!
Creating the reality of your dreams does not have to be some intimidating, grandiose plan; it can be done with baby steps and simple efforts.
The whole point of being a creator is enjoying the creation process, not forcing it or causing resistance in any way. You want this to be fun, beautiful!
Start small and see the power of law of attraction working in your day-to-day life.
This is something you can easily do throughout the day by simply visualizing your desired outcome, believing it has already happened, and calling upon the support of Spirit with a grateful heart.
Trust the process and admire the Divine Goddess within who conjures the miracles of your everyday existence.
Once you get the hang of cranking up your mystical powers, begin expanding your manifestation desires to bigger and bolder visions.
Or if you have more of a go big or GO HOME attitude, 86 the small stuff and start with the big moves; it's all up to you, baby girl.
Shape-shift your reality any way you like it.
Strengthen the momentum behind your desires and your desires will more rapidly manifest. Give thanks for the granting of your desires even though they may only still exist within your mind's eye.
Have faith they are well on their way in Divine timing. You are manifesting like the goddess you are!
Do your best to keep your thoughts pertinent to whatever it is you're trying to manifest. Forgive yourself when your mind wanders though, and remind yourself it's only human nature.
Normalize perceived imperfections of yourself by affirming you are perfect as is, just the way you are. Self-love is the magic ingredient!
'Tis the season! Happy manifesting, angels!
xo, SK <3