Today is the day of straight up enlightenment. Because WHY wouldn’t it be? Choose to accept peace with your life and all its splendor and beauty. The divinity that unfolds before us each day is so easily taken for granted or not recognized at all. Open your eyes.
Take a look around and SEE what’s right in front of you in this moment. Don’t be fooled by the illusions of this earthly existence. Stop beating yourself up over foolish thoughts and self-accusations that are explicitly NOT who you genuinely are in your heart center.
Tell your ego to grow up and stop messing around with you. You’ve got BIGGER fish to fry chant the mermaids hehe. The Universe and your many protectors and supporters rejoice each time you choose to love yourself opposed to doubting your innate goodness. If you only knew how special and marvelous you are.
You are more Source energy (LOVE AND LIGHT, BBY - that’s YOU!) than anything else and negativity is a falsehood of yourself that society and dogmatic religion has impressed upon you. YOU hold the manifesting capabilities of your heavenly, higher self and the ONLY thing getting in your way is your lack of belief.
Trust in your worthiness. Love yourself no matter what you’ve said or done. Learn from it and don’t allow your past spoken words or actions to hold the power of your current moment. Your power surpasses all. One is advised to follow those gut feelings we all experience, yet sometimes choose to ignore. Listen to your heart. Your spirit is pining to break free. Allow it the space. Allow it the time to heal.
Self-love all day, every day. Until you can say you truly love yourself, you will have a much more difficult time loving others. Love yourself first so that this love can extend to raising the loving vibration of those around you! You DO impact the masses with your daily actions, even if these actions may seem trivial to you.
Every act of love and kindness is helpful. Imagine if EVERYONE, EVERY day performed one random act of kindness. Positive energy ripples from our earnest intentions. Love makes the world go round!
Embrace the fun, uncertainty of each day and trust in yourself as you recognize and praise your potential. Unicorn wisdom, angelic guidance, and mermaid premonitions are sent to you daily. Hone in on these Divinely inspired messages and your inner being will gravitate towards receiving them and releasing any negative beliefs that contradict such enlightenment. This reality is NOT your only reality - remember that. Go play and greet your natural state of well-being as it is always graciously expecting you.
~ Journal Idea ~

Journal about yourself and your life journey
from the perspective of third person. Think of it like YOU are the one watching over the character you’re reading about…And you’re the main character of your story.
Your perspective will transition from assessing and evaluating your life to observing it. This outside view helps us find clarity about our current experiences and feelings.
Whether you believe it consciously or not, you genuinely DO love yourself (no ifs, ands, or buts!) and will express this love by intuitively listening to the advice you give yourself as you would provide counsel to a best friend. You know YOU best! Your truest, deepest desires will come to fruition and you will breath in the rapturous goodness of the Universe.
Below is an excerpt from a recent entry of mine. We are all in this together!
“She suddenly drifts into the ‘what if’ scenarios she’s been warned to steer clear of entertaining. To her, it feels like she has very little control of her wandering mind and she loses the focus of its positive state. To guide herself back to a higher vibration and higher perspective, she is able to gain back her sense of worthiness, goodness, and wellness.”
~ Skin Care Central ~
I also wanted to share a new product with you I’ve been using this past week because I have been THRILLED with the change in my skin already. I was in major need of a new serum for my morning skin routine and Kleem Organics Vitamin C Serum surely delivered! I ordered this baby on Amazon Prime because it was on sale as a lightening deal (and how can I resist lightening deals!?) and I was definitely surprised by the results that have left my skin looking like it has life in it again.
Aside from vitamin C, this serum has hylaronic acid, which is one of the mermaid’s favorite ingredients because of its ability to retain moisture in the skin. Say hello to shimmering skin if you commit to using a daily vitamin C serum of your choice. If you’re interested in trying some of this liquid gold out, go here!

Lots of love to you!
xo, SK <3